Saturday, December 20, 2008

Clouds of Grey

Shore me, anchor me
As I drift away in billowing buffets

Moor me
As my soul fritters away in pieces

Bind me
As each nagging word cleaves me

Be my earthing
As the same lightening strikes twice

Hold me together
As my spirit threatens to crumble as ever

As hot bitter words wash over me
As I drown in their disappointment
As the whispers rage behind my back
As my trickster mind corrupts me

I seek you now more than ever before...

The path shimmers before my salivating eyes
But the thick metal ankle cuffs hold fast

A walk in the park for many
A burn in the hell of self-pity for me

The Dark Tower looks ever more enticing
Castiel & Gabriel - deliver me
The crumbs do not satiate me

Have I turned, finally?

1 comment:

sujoygolan said...

these clouds will blow away soon :)