Sunday, February 22, 2009

Random Walk

A reflection of the mirror within
The wandering of the soul without

A patchwork of lived experiences
Filtered by the haze of time
Every road passed -
Every face faced -
Every shake of hand and nod of head
- A record of a life's passage

A detour into the garden of white lilies
A flick of the magical wand of time
A laurel crown over the golden swathe
Dewish temptations on the lips of dark angels
Waving red heralds of deceitful hope
Enticed by the righteous look of thorny path
Prodded by the drool of quick accomplishment

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Fly Itch

I could call you names
I will smile at your naiveté

I could rant about your evasiveness
I will credit your scrappy guts

I could make an example of you
I will keep your example in mind

I could seethe about absurd attitude
I will marvel at your obtuseness

I could rat out your Houdini skills
I will forgive you your closed mind

I could still lend you a helping hand
I will look to shield my own hand

I could yank the ignorant veil off
I will allow you to fester ignorance

I could outright dislike you
I will expend my pity on you

Monday, February 02, 2009

My Day

I could speak of my day

I could speak of my...
Obama-induced envy of the Americans
Resignation at Rafa beating Fed X...again
Contentment at winning some scattered ODI
Duh! at Modi's misappropriation of funds
Impressed nod at a Black Republican head

Rolling eyes...
At hijack dramas by petulant boys
Of jobless men getting a hard on
From a misplaced sense of putting
The 'virtueless' girls in place
Of unfulfilled men in mid-age crisis
Ranting about trailers of bomb blasts

Exasperation at...
The air of growing impatience
Intolerance of fellow humans
Suspicion of all the 'Others'
The literal man-eat-man world

Distasteful awe at...
Freshmen negotiating like pros
Newbies = smooth operators
Misuse of womanly wiles to wash hands
Big round eyes and a hint of wetness
Rediscovered godliness; smoking jaunts
Clueless hierarchy piled under dislike

Pathetic self-pity at...
Being caught in crosshairs
Overdone sense of duty
Wimpy sense of individuality
Seeping away time and chances

Self-consciousness at...
Being caught in a phone conversation
Unawareness with five people in a crowd
All staccato limbs and scattered balance
Morally grey conscience and white lies
The unbidden smile that creeps on my face

Joy at...
The thought that brings the unbidden smile

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Mind Dawn

As the sun climbs higher
As the dark mists vaporise
As dark trees lift their veil
As birdcalls pitter across leaves
Nature's symphony in cacophony
Fine lines drawn in avian lyrics

As little alarms chirp across town
As light creeps behind sleepy eyelids
As sunlight streams past reluctant curtains

Clarity sweeps the subconscious floor