A comma in the straight line
A semi-colon before going on
One more waiting room
In yet another waystation
Cheap soapsuds for my weary back
Bitter coffee for tired tastebuds
A couldnt-care-less uneven bed
Long breath of reflection
Of gratitudes & regrets
Of scars collected enroute
Of soothing hushes in ears
To ruminate and reflect; only
For an exhaled breath of time
I will linger on the flowers
See blessings in the petals
Troubles will be flicked off
Like lint off my worn jacket
The journey wears me down
The path entices and mocks
Pick up the bags and pick-me-up
Duty calls - a life to be lived
9 years ago
Wash away the dust, rest awhile, pick up your bags and set off to the next battle, O Soldier
aisa hai! :p
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