Thursday, September 25, 2008

Finally! A Credible TV Romance

I am a sucker for romance. But it must be credible. Not the 'a body meets a body' and thats all that meets.
One reason, why I love fantasy and angst.

What an irony! That I, an Indian in a land of 200 TV channels in about 10 languages (if not more), have to trawl the internet for days and then watch German TV to see a credible romance.

So I say, Thanks Nanna for the translations!

Yet what does it say of us and our creative community and of course, the watchers, that we cannot create or demand a credible romance.

Or maybe there are several other works and I am unaware of it.
Next stop: Japanese, Korean, European and Brazilian TV.

PS: If anyone can lead me to some, I shall be grateful. Also, I hear 'Bones' has a good romance, that true? Anyone?

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