Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Pitiless Gaze

Discarded eyes of vision
Glued up souls of plastic
Hearts, a flea market of malice
Pickled intents of evil
Masquerading as last boons

Children, nurtured in loathing
In the gnawing blanket of hate
Mere trinkets for psyches
Willing to dissect out humanity

Rough beasts slouch and rule
Fate trembles at the cowardice

The silent collective fails
To be judged one last time
At the altar of avoidable doom

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Clouds of Grey

Shore me, anchor me
As I drift away in billowing buffets

Moor me
As my soul fritters away in pieces

Bind me
As each nagging word cleaves me

Be my earthing
As the same lightening strikes twice

Hold me together
As my spirit threatens to crumble as ever

As hot bitter words wash over me
As I drown in their disappointment
As the whispers rage behind my back
As my trickster mind corrupts me

I seek you now more than ever before...

The path shimmers before my salivating eyes
But the thick metal ankle cuffs hold fast

A walk in the park for many
A burn in the hell of self-pity for me

The Dark Tower looks ever more enticing
Castiel & Gabriel - deliver me
The crumbs do not satiate me

Have I turned, finally?

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Mouldy wooden planks, a sad mockery of refuge
Shored bay windows akin to closed down soul
Crumpety droppings of long sundered kindred
Errant hairs clinging to a pupil-searing scarf
Yellowing ends of torn picture scraps
Of shining smiles, broken love promises
Open hingeless door drumming a mourning dirgy
Insistent as the relentless tread of time

Broken glasses trailing past the shadow gate
Crumbled seashells in the wake of retreating surf
Time chapped footprints walking into the sunset

An exhausted sigh flies in the evening breeze

Embraced in found-again arms
And sea-kissed to an inch of after-life

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dark and Light

Walking beside the silver brook
Beneath a swaying green canopy
Over the soft bed of bluebells
Pillowed with golden sun followers

Snowfall of pheromones
Chocolat and copper kiss
Spunky webs and unseen tears
Scaly heart seeking anchor

Of two-fanged curses
And clawy reach of fate
Dark lofts and attic corners
Scavenging humanity’s filth
In the indifferent darkness

Times past and journeyed
Times awaited in hope’s abyss
Life-string as a puppet
Of desire and ambition

Of forbidden loves
And over-cooked angst
Like crumbling waffles

A tear drop of gratitude
A tear drop of regret
Choices made and abandoned
Of alluring and thoughtful roads…

The enticing quiet breeze lures
I slumber deep in the unbenown

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Voiceless Wail

She slithers down the broken asphalt
Blood pooling in its dips and cracks
Tattoos of scratched broken skin
Speaking of lost eyeballs

Reeking air; putrid and green
Speckled with fungi clouds
Telling marks of decayed cult
Of blanched life and sold souls

Of fanged mouths and dead eyes
Limbless walkers and tongueless jabbers
Misguided into evolution’s purgatory

Renaissance painting
On bleached white walls
Of round fledgling worlds
Ectasy and tears and quests
Pulsing enthralling vibrancy
Alchemy - potent and intoxicating

Broken down into thousand pieces of glass
To a final rabid casket of convulsing breaths

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Bruises, Skin Deep

The top spins furiously
The wheel churns mercilessly
Time slides past ruthlessly

Teenage dreams unfurl
New horizons tempt

Fresh floral scent wafts across
The night-queen blooms in the dark

Gentle star-light
A warming blush
Kindling spark
Ratcheting heartbeats

Enticement by an idea
Hidden lure of suggestion

Of lonely wanderers
In an empty landscape
Self-lessons in soul value



Tuesday, December 09, 2008

"Where I Does Not Exist, Nor You"

Sonnet XVII (Pablo Neruda)

I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz,
or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul.

I love you as the plant that never blooms
but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers;
thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance,
risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
so I love you because I know no other way

than this: where I does not exist, nor you,
so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.

NB: I need some exquisite poetry today. And Neruda is a great one to overwhelm the senses.

Friday, December 05, 2008


I think of you...
When dusk spills red
When the birds fly south
When the poinsettia blooms
When the stars streak the sky
When the moon smiles its half smile

I think of you...
When cloud wisps linger away
When wolves howl under dark skies
When black night blankets tired souls
When the creaking land sighs with relief
When the clock strikes the witching hour

I think of you...
In the passage of filled hours
In the gathering heartbeats of day
In the miasma of remembered caresses
In the supposed heat of meeting epidermis

I think of you...
My thoughts overflow
My fingers trail away
My heart accelerates on

Thoughts are all I have for company
Till I hold you within my passion wrap

Monday, December 01, 2008

Why Me?

Red and deep wound
On the raw psyche

Each scrape of spirit
A body blow to soul

I can withstand pain enormous
I can survive belied expectations
I can live through broken promises
I can live out dispirited times

But these are the worst of times
And I seek comfort in empathy

I want to understand
Why me?

I do not seek to supplant
I do not seek to unruffle
I do not seek to replace
I do not seek to impose
I do not seek to thwart
I do not seek to inflict
I do not seek ignorance
I do not seek to destroy

I want to prosper
I want to learn
I want to work
I want to create
I want to plant
I want to offer jobs
I want equal rights
I want freedom for my people
I want to move fearlessly

I want understanding
I do not seek to belittle you
I only seek to enlighten myself

Then why me?

I harbour all
I may not secure all
But I do my best

I do not mind your colour
Or the length of your hair
Or the growth of your beard

I care for the smile
At the end of a hard day

I care for the contented look
At the end of reflection

I care for the proud look
You bestow upon your child

I seek to care for your heart
I seek to care for your future

For they make me
For they define me
For they will be my legacy
For you will be my history

This land, this people -
The aspirations and dreams
A land of thousand mutinies
A land of hundred living dreams