I could speak of my day
I could speak of my...
Obama-induced envy of the Americans
Resignation at Rafa beating Fed X...again
Contentment at winning some scattered ODI
Duh! at Modi's misappropriation of funds
Impressed nod at a Black Republican head
Rolling eyes...
At hijack dramas by petulant boys
Of jobless men getting a hard on
From a misplaced sense of putting
The 'virtueless' girls in place
Of unfulfilled men in mid-age crisis
Ranting about trailers of bomb blasts
Exasperation at...
The air of growing impatience
Intolerance of fellow humans
Suspicion of all the 'Others'
The literal man-eat-man world
Distasteful awe at...
Freshmen negotiating like pros
Newbies = smooth operators
Misuse of womanly wiles to wash hands
Big round eyes and a hint of wetness
Rediscovered godliness; smoking jaunts
Clueless hierarchy piled under dislike
Pathetic self-pity at...
Being caught in crosshairs
Overdone sense of duty
Wimpy sense of individuality
Seeping away time and chances
Self-consciousness at...
Being caught in a phone conversation
Unawareness with five people in a crowd
All staccato limbs and scattered balance
Morally grey conscience and white lies
The unbidden smile that creeps on my face
Joy at...
The thought that brings the unbidden smile